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Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription

Edited by the American College of Sports Medicine (64 contributors) 715 pages, 205 illustrations, 1998

In these pages are found the major topics that form the foundation necessary for properly developing and conducting health-oriented exercise programs.

Sections include: functional anatomy; exercise physiology; exercise programming; safety and emergency procedures; health appraisal and exercise testing; pathophysiology; electrocardiography; administration; and human development and aging.

Among the special chapters are those on exercise testing in special populations, pharmacology and exercise, legal considerations in exercise programming, physiology of detraining and retention of training, and biomechanics of exercise fitness modalities.

The Resource Manual assembles and refines the key information needed by ASCM certification candidates. 715 pp (7-1/4 x 10-1/4), 143 illus.
Third Edition, 1998

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 9214 64.95