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Exercise Testing and Exercise Prescription for Special Cases

Theoretical basis and clinical application.

Theoretical Basis and Clinical Application SECOND EDITION Edited by James S. Skinner, PhD 1993/395 pages/34 Illustrations

Combining medical information with exercise physiologic data, the test discusses the theoretical and applied aspects of exercise testing and prescription for specific health states.

For a selection of conditions, the authors discuss general treatment, risk factors, prescribing exercise, and the effects of exercise based on the most current knowledge and recent advances.

New to this edition is coverage of renal disease, asthma, and low back pain.

Preface to the Second Edition

The second edition reflects the continued growth of exercise science and sports medicine and their application to special populations. Although the basic principles and programs have changed little since the first edition, new developments and refinements have been reported and are incorporated in the revised chapters. The chapters on pregnancy and cystic fibrosis have been completely rewritten by different researchers and clinicians. Four new chapters on asthma, low-back pain, osteoporosis, and renal disease have been added. These revisions and additions should give the reader an even broader and deeper understanding of how exercise testing and exercise prescription can be applied to the general population and to special cases.

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Exercise Testing, Prescription for Special Cases 9220 47.00