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Principles and Practice of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Up-to-date information about diagnostic techniques and rehabilitation.

By Richard Casaburi, MD, PhD, Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Physiology and Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA; and Thomas L. Petty, MD, President of the Presbyterian-St Luke's Center for Health Sciences Education, Denver, CO. Over 510 pp. Over 190 ills. 8 1/2" x 11", 1993.

This is an authoritative, scientifically based book on the most up-to-date diagnostic techniques and rehabilition available for chronic lung disease. A multidisciplinary, practical approach to conducting a pulmonary rehabilitation program is presented, and the way in which pulmonary rehabilitation programs function in specific environments (and the innovative way in which they are operated) is described.

Edited and written by authorities in the field, this text will become the standard.

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Principles and Practice of Pulmonary Rehabilitation 9225 97.00