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Pulmonary Function Testing

A good book for the basics of PFT

By Reuben Cherniack, MD Prof of Medicine, Univ of Colorado, Director, Pulmonary Physiology Unit, National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Denver, CO.; 5-1/2" x 7-1/4" spiralbound, 291 pages, June 1992

Provides the background information you need to understand both normal pulmonary function and disease states. With this convenient manual, you'll be better able to recognize impairment early, prescribe appropriate therapy and monitor the progress of disease. Beginning with a quick reference to terms, symbols, and abbreviations used in pulmonary physiology and function testing, this books answers all your questions about the basics-such as mechanics of breathing and cardiorespiratory adaption to exercise.

One of the reference books on my desk - John Hoppe

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Pulmonary Function Testing 9229 37.95