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Running Men
4125 Market St #10
Ventura, CA 93003
(800) 235-3333
Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer

200 and 300 pound models

  • Reads both pounds and kilograms
  • Retains maximum reading
  • New large head model with more graduations
  • Carry case included
This "made in USA" product carries a 3-year warrantee. Many improvements have been made to this internationally accepted design to improve its reliability, user convenience and measurement repeatability.

The Baseline hydraulic hand dynamometer gives accurate grip strength readings without the subject being able to "feel" the handle move. The adjustable handle has five positions to be able to accomodate to any hand size. The indiator remains at the subject's maximum reading until it is reset. The dynamomter has a dual scale that shows both pounds and kilograms. Larger head model is easier to read and has more graduations.

Last Updated: 24 Sept 2014

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Hand Dynamometer, 200 pound, standard head 12-0240 320.00
  Buy 5 or more for $305.00 each

Hand Dynamometer, 200 pound, large head 12-0243 350.00
  Buy 5 or more for $335.00 each

Hand Dynamometer, 300 pound, large head 12-0246 370.00
  Buy 5 or more for $355.00 each