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Running Men
4125 Market St #10
Ventura, CA 93003
(800) 235-3333
# R26xx Series Medium Size T-shape Valves

Breathing valves rated up to 400 liter per minute.

We can fax or mail a complete data sheet.
"B" models have saliva trap.
We can install gas sampling ports (either hose barb or luer), specify location, such as in body or mouthport.

See also "K" series valves with tri-cuspid valve diaphragm.

R2697 is same as R 2600E but with mounting bracket on top of body opposite mouthport.

Replace valve diaphragm every 4 to 6 month to minimize leakage

Last Updated: 21 Mar 2021

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Medium T-valve all ports 1-3/8" (35mm) OD x 1-1/8" ID R2600 380.00

Medium T-valve as R2600 but with salive trap R2600B 455.00

Medium T-valve, mouthport 1-1/8" OD, side ports 1-3/8" OD R2600C 380.00

Medium T-valve, as R2600C but with saliva trap R2600CB 449.00

Medium T-valve, mouthport 22mm OD, tube ports 1-3/8" OD R2600E 380.00

Medium T-valve as R2600E but with saliva trap R2600EB 449.00

Medium T-Valve, all ports 1-1/8" (28.6mm) OD x 22mm ID (Special Order) R2600M 495.00

Replacement Spiral Diaphragm R2608 28.00

Replacement Diaphragm Ring R2609 21.00

Medium T-valve 22mm OD mouthport, 1-3/8" side ports R2697 400.00

Mounting Bracket, Ellbow Shape R200561 54.00

Adapter, R2600 to V-Mask or V2-Mask R200584 140.00

Replacement diaphragm Stop R5603 16.25

Replacement Inhalation Tube for all R2600 valves R611178 94.00

Replacement Exhalation Tube for all R2600 valves R611179 135.00

Replacement Mouthpiece Tube for R2600 R611202 94.00

Saliva Collector Tube R611245 42.00

Replacement Mouthpiece Tube for R2600C R612002 125.00

Replacement Mouthpiece Tube for R2600E R612003 94.00

Replacement Body for all R2600 valves R612068 158.00

External Saliva Trap for R2600 R6926 325.00