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Running Men
6085 King Drive,
Unit #104
Ventura, CA 93003
(800) 235-3333
"Cidex" Sterilizing - Disinfecting Solution

The Gold Standard of Sterilization

All quarts are packed in cases of 16 and you automatically get a 10% discount applied if you buy a case of 16.

All gallons are packed in a case of 4 and you automatically get a 10% discount appied if you buy a case of 4 gallons.

Test Strips are available to test the effectiveness of Cidex, approx 60 per bottle.

The soaking tray with perforated inner liner has a capacity of 2.5 galllons. Size 19" long, 6" wide and 5" deep. Includes transparent lid, it is not autoclavable.

Last Updated: 15 July 2013

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

28-day Cidex (Abcocide) per gallon J2750 40.00
  Buy 4 or more for $36.00 each

Soaking Tray with perforated inner liner J2016 185.00

Cidex Test Strips (Bottle of 60) JJM2927 125.00
  Buy 2 or more for $110.00 each