June 14, 2023
We are pleased to offer Quotation # WEB-MASTER
Item Description Quan UM Price
2009 TurboAire Challenger 1 each $2,435.00
2009-1 High Pressure Hose 1 each 135.00
2009-4 High flow regulator Air (CGA346) 1 each 410.00
2012 Target ventilation meter 1 each 1,150.00
2012-1 Adapter T-valve 1 each 115.00
TAC2700 Adult 2-way valve 1 each 385.00
The items above are for a "complete" system.
For pediatric use, order separately
(or substitute for TAC2700) the TAC2600 valve.
TAC2600 Pediatric 2-way valve $ 385.00
Note: No 2009-4 high flow regulator fits only to a
compressed air tank, for CO2 mixture you must order separately
(or substitute for 2009-4)
the no. 2009-3 regulator.
2009-3 High flow regulator for CO2 gas mix $ 410.00
Compressed air tanks should be ordered locally.
For 220 Volt operation order # 2012-2 Power adapter $85.00
The price above are in U S dollars.
Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
Delivery after acceptance or order: 4-6 weeks
FOB: Ventura, CA
Terms: TBD
Valid: June 2023
Vacumetrics, Inc (VacuMed Division)
John Hoppe, President