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Running Men
6085 King Drive,
Unit #104
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Quotation for "Cardio" PC-ECG System

Quotation for "Cardio" PC-ECG System

Jan 17, 2020

We are pleased to offer Quotation  #WEB-MASTER

Item          Description               	     Price

Basic System

795-6000  "Cardio" 12-lead PC-based Rest &     	 $ 4,995.00
	  Stress ECG


Tango     Non-invasive blood pressure option       4,995.00
13620	  Institutional treadmill		   6,575.00
17960     Lode "Corival" ergometer (999) watts     7,500.00
17614     Mini-cart                                  750.00

Optional Computer System

50529	  IBM compatible computer, 100+ GB           895.00
          hard drive, 8 GB RAM, 2+ GHz
50426     Color inkjet printer          	     199.00
50526     Color LCD flat panel monitor 17"  	     395.00

If purchased with metabolic system you may wish to consider
dual color LCD monitors, this requires 2 each # 50526, plus:
50535     Dual video card                            500.00
or a single, larger 22" monitor ($1795.00).

Optional Supplies

16862     Lead-lock stress test/Holter electrodes,    22.75
          rectangular (box of 75 in 5-packs)
16999     Stress Test Shirt, box of 12                33.45
Total depends on options ordered

Delivery after acceptance of order: 2-5 weeks
(Depending on options ordered)
FOB:    Ventura, CA
Terms:  To be arranged
Valid:  60 days

Vacumetrics, Inc (VacuMed division)

By:    John Hoppe, President

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Please do not click ADD TO BASKET here @7952000 0.00