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Running Men
4125 Market St #10
Ventura, CA 93003
(800) 235-3333
Back - Leg - Chest Dynamometer

Measures strenth of back, leg and chest

(Click on photo to enlarge it,
then on BACK button to return)

Base provides sure footing. Chain length is adjusted to accommodate for height differences or to vary the point of force application. Shows pounds and kg. Pointer remains at maximum until reset.

Measurement Accessories

The accessory is first securely fastened to the subject near the muscle group being evaluated. The measurement device is then connected to the accessory.

Last Updated: 23 Sep 2014

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Back - Leg - Chest Dynamometer, to 600 pounds 12-0400 545.00
  Buy 5 or more for $525.00 each

Back - Leg - Chest Dynamometer, to 330 pounds 12-0401 545.00
  Buy 5 or more for $525.00 each

Back - Leg - Chest Dynamometer, to 165 pounds (child) 12-0402 545.00
  Buy 5 or more for $525.00 each

Back - Leg - Chest Dynamometer, to 660 pounds 12-0403 595.00
  Buy 5 or more for $575.00 each

Ankle Attachment Strap 12-0420 19.00

Thigh Attachment Strap 12-0422 19.00

Wrist Attachment Strap 12-0424 18.00

Shoulder Harness 12-0427 30.00

Foot Stirrup 12-0428 18.00

Head Harness 12-0429 25.00