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Running Men
6085 King Drive,
Unit #104
Ventura, CA 93003
(800) 235-3333
Korr, Parvo, VacuMed Replacement Parts

Full-face Mask Setups: Disposable & Reusable

Substantial savings are possible by purchasing our bulk supplies and assembling your own mouthpiece setups. For example, our # 1019 Continuous Roll Tubing lets you cut just the length of tube you need.

"Plastic Mouthpiece" Our # 1006

"Non-Rebreathing Valve" Our # 1464

"Continuous Roll Tubing" Our # 1019

"Nose Clips" Our # 1008

Resting Metabolic Test Setups
Our setups are perfect replacements for mouthpiece setups and much more patient friendly. Each KM400 has built-in non-rebreathing valves. They may be reused by the same person, clean with soap and water. The setups do not include the head gear # KM420 or KM421.

Order 22 mm OD adapter # IBE193 separately

Usually resting setups are hand-held, but may be used with rubber strap type head gear # KM420 or KM421

Exercise Testing Setup (Photo left)

KM400 mask with KM435 35mm OD adapter to connect to 35mm ID tubing that is typically used for exercise VO2 testing

Resting Test Setup with Sterilizable "V2" mask
Mask (specify size) Adapters, and 22 mm non-rebreathing valve. Ready to connect to 22 mm ID exhale tube. Order headgear for V2 mask separately on "Mask" page.
Order # V2-EWOT-M

Exercise Testing Setup

V2 Mask with High-Flow T-Valve R2700 on the left
and V2 Mask with Y-Valve R2730 below.

Photo below is Silicone Headgear # KM420 (top)
and Silicone Headgear # KM421 (bottom)

Last Updated: 8 Nov 2019

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Disposable VO2 testing mask, each KM400 12.95
  Buy 5 or more for $9.95 each

Air Cushion VO2 testing mask, box of 10 KM401 75.00

Adapter to increase KM400 exhale port to 35 mm OD KM435 9.00
  Buy 5 or more for $8.50 each

Adapter to deceases KM400 exhale port to 22 mm OD IBE193 15.00
  Buy 5 or more for $14.50 each

Head Strap, silicone, heavy duty KM420 13.50
  Buy 5 or more for $12.80 each

Head Strap, silicone, disposable or light duty KM421 5.85
  Buy 5 or more for $5.55 each

Silicone "V2" EWOT mask V2-EWOT-M 195.00

O2 Sensor for Korr No. 9FG0038 17620-1 225.00
  Buy 2 or more for $216.00 each