(Click on photo to enlarge it,
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Includes all components to deliver either high or low oxygen concentrations to test subject.
Custom systems available.
Standard system includes the following:
- A high flow pressure regulators to fit H-tanks
(Buy H-tanks locally, two are recommended so you can
switch tanks if gas runs out during test)
- Tubing from tanks to bag
- 200 liter breathing bag # 1196-200
(Or any other size)
- Bag hanger assembly # 1195-X
- IV Pole to suspend bag and all parts
- Stopcock # R2100C
(To switch test subject from air breathing to bag)
- Breathing tube, bag to mouth
- Non-rebreathing valve R2700
- Overhead suspension kit to support Valve R2700
- Mask Starter Kit
- Assembly, test and misc parts
Prices may vary
Last Updated: 14 Apr 2022