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Running Men
4125 Market St #10
Ventura, CA 93003
(800) 235-3333
VacuMed Custom Orifice Flow Sensors

Three standard sizes and custom versions available

VacuMed has developed an ultra linear orifice flow sensor and supporting electronics specifically for a variety of precision uni-directional and bi-directional gas flow measurements in the medical and research field. The rugged flow meters are designed for high reliability and simplicity of use. Product benefits include wide measuring range, small deadspace, low resistance to flow, no zero or gain drift, and low sensitivity to gas concentration changes. The flow sensors are available in 3 standard sizes: Low-low, low and medium. Custom versions available on request.
Signal outputs either analog or TTL pulses

Low-low Flow Transducer
Flow range 1.8 L/min to 180 L/min
Dead space: 6.7 cc
Size: 22mm (7/8 inch) OD nominal connection
113 mm (4-1/2 inch) long

Low Flow Tranducer
Flow range: 3.0 L/min to 300 L/min
Dead space: 14 cc
Size: 22mm (7/8 inch) OD nominal connection
113 mm (4-1/2 inch) long

Medium Flow Transducer
Flow range: 6 L/min to 720 L/min
Dead space: 29 cc
Size: 22mm (7/8 inch) OD nominal connection
19mm ID, 83mm (3-1/4 inch) long

Optional Windows Database Software

Displays and saves graphical and numerical values
Tidal volume and VE: Inspired or expired, ATPS, BTPS, STPD
FEV1, VE, VEsum
Flow-volume loops
Respiratory rate.

All Delrin models available for MRI applications

Last Updated: 2 Jun 2014
Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Orifice-type Flow Sensor V704-xx 1,295.00

Orifice flowsensor only, low-low range V7010-1 495.00

Orifice flow sensor only, low range V7010-2 495.00

Orifice flow sensor only, medium range V7015 495.00