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Respiratory Physiology

By Alan R. Leff, MD, Chief, Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Med., Prof. of Med., Anesthesia and Critical Care, Committee on Cell Physiology and Clinical Pharmacology, Division of the Biological Sciences, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; and Paul T. Schumacker, PhD., Assoc. Prof., Dept of Med. and the College Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Med., Division of the Biological Sciences, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Over 220 pp. Over 130 ills. 8" x 10". Mid 1993.

Respiratory Physiology: Basics and Applications Appropriate for the first and second year medical or dental students, graduate students, or students of the allied health professions, this comprehensive test provides a thorough development of classical pulmonary physiology, and a current description of lung cell biology, which is relevant to respiratory function in health and disease.

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Respiratory Physiology 9226 28.95