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Running Men
6085 King Drive,
Unit #104
Ventura, CA 93003
(800) 235-3333
Residual Volume Measurement System (RV, FRC, TLV)

RV for Hydrostatic Weighing includes new Tri-Gas analyzer

The model 17405 provides a rapid and accurate determination of lung Residual Volume for the purpose of body composition analysis. It is based on our new "Tri-Gas" analyzer and uses the method of nitrogen washout.

This technique, when combined with hydrostatic weighing, is considered to be the Gold Standard in body composition determination.

Perfect for accurate Residual Volume and FRC Measurements.

May also be used for Total Lung Volume using larger rebreathing balloon.

Tri-Gas Analyzer

    Gas Sampling Rate: 400 ml/min
    Operating Range: 0 - 100% Nitrogen
    Display Resolution: 0.1%
    Display Linearity: 0.5% of reading from 0 - 100% N2
    Rear Panel Analog Outputs: Separate BNC connectors for O2, N2, CO2.
Residual Volume Test
    Duration of test: 3 - 4 minutes
    Overall Accuracy: +/-5% Menu-driven user interface Backlit LCD display
    Computer Interface: USB
    Auxiliary Connector: analog out
Weight & Dimensions
Electronics Unit Weight: Approx 4 pounds
Electronics Unit Dimensions: 14" W X 4" H X 14" D
Overall cart Size: 19" W x 44" H x 23" D

Included Accessories: Computer interface, 2 multi-function valves, mouthpiece, filter, power cable, sample line tubing and instruction manual.

Warranty: 1 year parts and labor
Preliminary Specifications (Subject to change without notice)

User must supply a tank of medical grade 100% oxygen with pressure regulator. Large tanks are usually rented from local gas supplier.
User must supply computer with Windows xp; Win 7, 8 or 10 (32 & 64 bit) or order from us, see below.

Last Updated: 20 June 2019

Qty Product Catalog Number Price

Residual Volume Measurement Setup 17405 16,750.00

In-water Measurement Setup 17401 665.00

Notebook PC 50522 995.00