Job Description: Chief Science Officer
20 August 2018
VacuMed has an immediate opening for a Chief Science Officer.
VO2 for Dummies, Chapter 1:
What is VO2 ?
What is VO2?
VO2 for Dummies, Chapter 2:
Why measure VO2 ?
Why measure VO2?
VO2 for Dummies, Chapter 3:
What are the Aerobic, Lactate, Anaerobic, and Ventilatory Thresholds?
What are the Aerobic, Lactate, Anaerobic, and Ventilatory Thresholds?
The History of (true) Breath-by-Breath Measurements
5 June 2008
Acrobat Reader, how to download
Anaerobic Threshold (AT): What is it?
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Body Fat: General info & related products
Body Fat: Where can I have my Body Fat measured?
updated 2/28/12
Breathing Reserve: What is it, how is it calculated?
BSA (Body Surface Area)
Credit Cards Payments
Douglas Bag Method: List of required components
Douglas Bag Method: What is it?
Ergometers (Stationary Bikes): How to select one
Ergometers: Why they need calibration
Exercise Stress Testing: A guide to select the equipment
Exercise Stress Testing: How to set up a lab
Job Opportunity
April 2016
Leasing: Yes you can, read more:
MET: What are METS?
Privacy Policy
Resting Energy Expenditure (REE): What is it?
VO2: Links to more VO2 sites
VO2: Where can I have my oxygen consumption (VO2max) measured?